JD Supra (JD Supra France)

1155 results for JD Supra (JD Supra France)

  • French Supreme Court Extends Transfer of Criminal Liability During Merger by Absorption to All Company Types

    The criminal liability of the absorbed company is transferred to the absorbing company, regardless of the corporate form of the company involved in the merger by absorption. In a ruling handed down on May 22, 2024, 1 the Criminal Division of the French Supreme continued the jurisprudential work it had begun in 2020 and extended the transfer of criminal liability from the absorbed company to the

  • Les demandes de brutage fiscal en matière d’arbitrage international d’investissement (Tax Gross-Up Claims in International Arbitration Procedures)

    La présentation de demandes de brutage fiscal – ou « tax gross-up » – des indemnités pouvant être réclamées lors d’une procédure d’arbitrage par les parties lésées est essentielle. L’objectif de telles demandes consiste en la prise en considération de l’impact fiscal dans le calcul opéré par les arbitres des indemnités compensatrices des préjudices. L’analyse des décisions d’arbitrage révèle le

  • Engage Finance Newsletter N°26, Mai 2024 – France

    Extension de procédure collective en raison d'un compte courant d'associé débiteur Cass. Com., 13 septembre 2023, n°21- 21.693 Par un arrêt en date du 13 septembre 2023, la chambre commerciale de la Cour de cassation a rendu une décision au terme de laquelle l’existence d’un compte courant d’associé présentant un solde débiteur ouvert au nom de l’associé cogérant d'une société pourrait permettre...

  • Bulletin Concurrence XI | Janvier ● Février ● Mars 2024

    1. CONTENTIEUX - NON-RESPECT DES ENGAGEMENTS : GOOGLE SANCTIONNÉE À HAUTEUR DE 250 MILLIONS DANS L’AFFAIRE DES DROITS VOISINS - Par la décision n°24-D-03 du 15 mars 2024, Google est sanctionnée par l’Autorité de la concurrence (ci- après l’« Autorité ») pour avoir méconnu quatre des sept engagements souscrits et rendus obligatoires dans la décision n°22-D-13 du 21 juin 2022, et avoir manqué

  • Forced Production of Internal Investigations Reports Before French Courts

    Two decisions handed down in quick succession by the Paris and Toulouse Courts of Appeal highlight the complex interplay between interests at stake in each case. Both of the judicial decisions in question concerned pre-trial discovery requests seeking access to internal investigation files that led to the dismissal of an employee in one case and the exclusion of a member of a nonprofit...

  • Bulletin Concurrence X - Paris │Octobre ● Novembre ● Decembre 2023

    1. CONTENTIEUX - BISPHÉNOL A DANS LES CONTENANTS ALIMENTAIRES : PRÈS DE 20 MILLIONS D’EUROS DE SANCTIONS - Par une décision du 29 décembre 2023, l’Autorité de la concurrence (ci-après l’« Autorité ») a prononcé une sanction de près de 20 millions à l’encontre de 3 organismes professionnels, le syndicat des fabricants de boîtes et 11 entreprises pour avoir mis en place une stratégie...

  • French Supreme Court: Unfairly Obtained Evidence Can Be Admissible in Civil Litigation

    Amid the continued expansion of the right to evidence, the court reversed its previous position that evidence obtained through unfair methods was inadmissible. When asked to re-examine the relationship between the right to evidence and the principle of fair proof, the French Supreme Court (Cour de cassation) reversed the position in its case law on 22 December 2023 (no. 20-20.648). The court...

  • French Court Reaches Precedent Decision on the Duty of Vigilance Law

    The Paris Judicial Court handed down the first ruling on the legal compliance of a vigilance plan. On 15 January 2024, the Paris Court of Appeal announced the creation of a chamber dedicated to emerging litigation, in charge of disputes linked to Law No. 2017-399 of 27 March 2017 on the duty of vigilance (the Duty of Vigilance Law) and environmental liability cases.

  • France Transposes Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive Into Law

    As the first EU country to transpose the CSRD into national law, France will gradually replace the EFPD with sustainability reporting under the new directive. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (the CSRD) entered into force on 5 January 2023, replacing the previous Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) and laying out specific and expanded reporting obligations around...

  • Establishing a Business Entity in France (Updated)

    1. Types of Business Entities - • Description of the types of entities available in each jurisdiction through which to conduct business - Business may be conducted in France either through a French branch of a foreign company (1) or through a French company (2). Both are considered to be forms of direct investment in France.

  • France - Loi de finances pour 2024

    La Loi de finances pour 2024 (LF 2024) a été publiée au Journal Officiel le 30 décembre 2023. Le présent bulletin décrit brièvement une sélection de mesures fiscales qu’elle contient.

  • The French Finance Bill for 2024 creates a Tax Credit for Investments in Green Industries

    The French Finance Bill for 2024, released on September 27, 2023, includes a tax credit for investments in green industries (the Crédit d’impôt “Investissement Industries Vertes” or C3IV) aimed to restore France’s industrial base and reduce the carbon footprint of French industries. Please see full Publication below for more information.

  • French HATVP Introduces New Lobbying Guidelines

    The French High Authority for Transparency in Public Life aims to clarify the system for lobbyists and provide a more accurate view of lobbying activity, in order to enable further structural changes. On July 3, 2023, the French High Authority for Transparency in Public Life (HATVP) published new guidelines that will come into force on October 1, 2023 (the New Guidelines). This Client...

  • Enquête interne anticorruption et coopération judiciaire

    L’Agence française anticorruption (AFA) et le Parquet national financier (PNF) ont publié conjointement en mars 2023 un guide pratique visant à apporter aux entreprises un éclairage sur l’objet et la conduite d’une enquête interne anticorruption. A cette occasion, l’AFA et le PNF ont rappelé l’importance de l’enquête interne anticorruption dans le cadre de la négociation d’une convention...

  • Le Précédent Procédural Dans La Pratique Des Tribunaux Arbitraux

    La présente contribution se propose d’étudier l’apparition, en arbitrage international, de décisions procédurales formant un véritable corps de jurisprudence ou de précédents. Tandis que le sujet du précédent a d’ores et déjà été analysé sous l’angle des décisions substantielles rendues par les arbitres, aucune étude n’est consacrée spécifiquement au précédent concernant les questions...

  • Bulletin Concurrence VI - Paris │ Octobre ● Novembre ● Decembre 2022

    1. CONTENTIEUX - ACTION EN FOLLOW-ON : ABSENCE DE RÉPARATION POUR LES SOCIÉTÉS DU GROUPE COLAS DANS L’AFFAIRE DU CARTEL DES CAMIONS - Dans un jugement remarqué du 27 octobre 2022, le tribunal de commerce de Lyon a rejeté l’action en réparation introduite par les sociétés du groupe Colas contre les constructeurs de camions, condamnés pour entente par la Commission européenne à une amende de 2

  • Establishing a Business Entity in France (Updated)

    1. Types of Business Entities - • Description of the types of entities available in each jurisdiction through which to conduct business - Business may be conducted in France either through a French branch of a foreign company (1) or through a French company (2). Both are considered to be forms of direct investment in France. Please see full Chapter below for more information.

  • France’s New Guidelines on Deferred Prosecution Agreement Offer Welcome Clarity

    The guidelines provide useful insights into the mechanism of settlement agreements in criminal cases, and supersede previous guidelines published on June 26, 2019. Article 22 of Law No. 2016-1691 of December 9, 2016 (Sapin 2 Law) introduced a procedure called Convention Judiciaire d’Intérêt Public (CJIP), a French version of the deferred prosecution agreement (DPA). Please see full Alert...

  • France enacts the Finance Law for 2023 - Loi de Finances pour 2023

    La Loi de finances pour 2023 (LF 2023) a été publiée au Journal Officiel le 31 décembre 2022. Le présent bulletin décrit brièvement une sélection de mesures fiscales qu’elle contient. Veuillez consulter la publication complète ci-dessous pour plus d'informations.

  • The Technology, Media and Telecommunications Review, 13th Edition - France

    This 13th edition of The Technology, Media and Telecommunications Review provides updated overviews of legal and policy constructs and developments in the TMT arena across 18 jurisdictions around the world. As in years past, our goal with this publication is to provide a practical, business-focused survey of these issues, along with insights into how regulatory activity in this arena continues to

  • Competition Bulletin V PARIS │ July ● August ● September 2022

    1. LITIGATION CUMULATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE SANCTIONS AGAINST THE SAME PARTY FOR SIMULTANEOUS BREACHES ARE CONSTITUTIONALLY PERMISSIBLE - In a judgment dated June 23, 2022, the Paris Administrative Court fully upheld the cumulative fine of EUR 6,340,000 imposed on Eurelec Trading (Eurelec) for 21 breaches of the rules of transparency in commercial relations between suppliers and distributors. ...

  • French Competition Authority's record fine overturned on appeal

    On 6 October 2022, the Paris Court of Appeal (CoA) partially overturned the French Competition Authority (FCA)’s record EUR1.2 billion fine on Apple and two of its wholesalers, Ingram Micro and Tech Data, for antitrust infringements involving product and customer allocation, resale price maintenance and the French law concept of abuse of economic dependency. Our alert sets out the details of the...

  • New Whistleblower Protections in France: Considerations for Companies

    Companies operating in France should implement or adapt their reporting mechanisms to comply with the new requirements. On 1 September 2022, new protections for whistleblowers in France entered into force. The protections were passed on 21 March 2022 as law No. 2022-401 (the Law). Please see full Alert below for more information.

  • Analysis: French Sanctions Regime for Digital Asset Service Providers and Token Issuers

    Various sanctions may apply against DASPs and token issuers that operate in France in contravention of applicable rules. France was a pioneer in establishing a legal framework for the regulation of digital assets and related services following the enactment of the Loi Pacte in May 2019. In particular, the regulated status of Digital Asset Service Provider (DASP) was introduced into French law

  • Bulletin Concurrence IV - Paris │ Avril ● Mai ● Juin 2022

    1. CONTENTIEUX - PREMIÈRE DÉCISION D’ENGAGEMENTS DE META - Par une décision du 16 juin 2022, l’Autorité de la concurrence (ADLC) a rendu obligatoires les engagements proposés par Meta, qui marquent, à notre connaissance, sa première procédure contentieuse négociée. Please see full Publication below for more information.

  • French Supreme Court Validates Caps on Damages for Unfair Dismissals

    For employers doing business in France, the court’s recent decisions mean more predictability in the amounts that judges can award in case of unfair dismissals. In two landmark decisions on 11 May 2022, the Employment Chamber of the French Supreme Court confirmed that the grid of maximum caps on damages amounts that judges can allocate for unfair dismissals from work are fully valid. The...

  • Analysis: Impact of French Ordinance Relating to Guarantees and Security in Respect of Annual Information Obligation

    The Ordinance’s extension to grantors of French law security interests in rem is likely to have a practical impact on lenders. Key Points: ..The obligation of lenders to provide grantors of cautionnements (guarantees) of bank loans, etc., with certain information regarding the guaranteed obligations by 31 March each year has been maintained as part of the reform of security interests that

  • French Government Seeks to Regain Control Over Enforcement of French Blocking Statute

    A new decree and a ministerial order strengthen cooperation between French ministries, reflecting the government’s desire to monitor more closely certain foreign discovery requests. Overview - Originally enacted in 1968 in response to US antitrust investigations into French shipping companies, and subsequently modified in 1980, the French Blocking Statute (FBS) was initially aimed at...

  • French Parliament Publishes Evaluation Report on Corporate Duty of Vigilance Law

    The report, published on 24 February 2022, assesses the implementation of the existing French corporate duty of vigilance law. French Statute No. 2017-399 of 27 March 2017 (the 2017 Statute) created a duty of vigilance (devoir de vigilance) for companies crossing determined thresholds (see definitions on page 3). Such companies are required to implement a public, comprehensive plan aimed at...

  • Life Sciences Law Review - 10th Edition, France Chapter

    France is generally known for its high quality and also highly regulated healthcare system. As an EU Member State, France has implemented the EU medicines and medical devices regimes. This chapter should therefore be read in conjunction with the EU chapter and will focus on the specifics of the French regulatory regime. France has codified the essential rules on medicines and medical devices in...

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