Seyfarth Shaw LLP (LexBlog France)
New Trade Secrets Law for France
As a special feature of our blog—guest postings by experts, clients, and other professionals—please enjoy this blog entry from Gilles Rouvier, founding partner of Lawways. Context On July 31st, 2018, France adopted a law on trade secret protection, loi n°2018-670 (hereafter “French Trade Secret Law“). The aim of this French Trade Secret Law is to...
French Employment Law Reforms Awaited Under Macron’s Presidency
By Ming Henderson and Clothilde Verdier Seyfarth Synopsis: French Employers should brace themselves for changes in the employment and labour law arena. However at this stage nothing is set in stone, and any reforms may be slow in coming. As France does not have the equivalent of a US “Presidential Decree,” Macron’s government will need...
French Court Rules That A Confidentiality Clause Does Not Require Any Financial Compensation to Be Lawful
As many readers will know, non-compete clauses in employment contracts are only valid in France if, among other conditions, an employee receives a financial consideration of 40 to 60% salary depending on the sector and the role for the duration of the restriction. But do confidentiality clauses need to be subject to the same treatment? The...
Seyfarth Attorneys Facilitate Discussion On Trade Secret Protections and Legislative Developments in US and EU at ITechLaw 2014 European Conference
Seyfarth IP, International and Trade Secret Attorneys are participating in the ITechLaw 2014 European Conference in Paris, France this week. ITechLaw is a not-for-profit organization established to inform and educate lawyers about the unique legal issues arising from the evolution, production, marketing, acquisition and use of information and communications technology. Seyfarth partner Robert...
The French Answer To Flexible Working: The Right To Privacy and To Limit Work After Business Hours
The French Answer to Flexible Working Ever since the first laws on the 35-hour week were enacted over fifteen years ago, monitoring working time has been a headache for employers in France. With the introduction of new technology and mobile devices, the situation has worsened. The French approach to flexible working is to reaffirm that...
Immigration’s Hobgoblin: A Foolish Inconsistency
Europe is at a tipping point. Will the European Union be dashed on Greek or Italian shores. Will France follow Greece and Italy in losing the esteem of bondholders? Will the EU revert to an Uncommon Market and again suffer its historic curse, a mash-up of competing and warring states whose citizens must proffer passports to cross...
New York State Court Rules that Noncompete Agreement Between Law Firms Previously Engaged In Merger Talks Is Unenforceable as Violative of Public Policy.
Nixon Peabody v. Taylor Wessing France, 2008 NY Slip Op. 51885(U) (Sup. Ct. Monroe Cty. Sept. 16, 2008). A trial court in upstate Monroe County, New York earlier this month granted summary judgment for law firm Nixon Peabody LLP (“Nixon”), which sought a declaratory judgment and injunctive relief as a result of alleged tortious interference...