Mayer Brown (LexBlog France)
State Department Extending Visa Validity for Certain Nationalities
The State Department has recently extended the validity of certain visas for citizens of France, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Cuba. This trend may signal an effort is underway to adjust visa validity periods for other nationalities and visa types. Travelers are advised to monitor the State Department’s website for announced changes. The...
More cash for less time off – a temporary measure to deal with inflation in France
What helping hand could the French State, traditionally a Welfare state, give to employees with the lowest income and therefore those most affected by inflation? Only a large-scale measure, both attractive to employees and employers, would have had a chance of achieving the dual objective of increasing the purchasing power of employees without jeopardising the...
Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence: How the EU proposal Could Impact France’s Existing Due Diligence Law
In 2017, following multiple legislative proposals and lengthy negotiations, France became the first EU Member State to adopt a cross-sectoral law on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (the “French Law“). At the time the French Law was adopted, it was highly criticized, in part because France appeared to be going “out on a limb” and a...
COVID-19: France and Hong Kong
We will be featuring contributions from our global Employment and Benefits team on this blog, highlighting particular topics and issues of interest to UK employers with operations overseas. The new year has started with a range of new COVID-19 measures in different jurisdictions. Here are two recent updates from our teams in France and Hong...
COVID-19: France and Hong Kong
We will be featuring contributions from our global Employment and Benefits team on this blog, highlighting particular topics and issues of interest to UK employers with operations overseas. The new year has started with a range of new COVID-19 measures in different jurisdictions. Here are two recent updates from our teams in France and Hong...
The Results Are In! France’s ACPR Publishes Report Of 2020 Pilot Climate Risk Assessment (AKA Stress Test) For Participating French Banks And Insurers
On May 4, 2021, the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (“ACPR” – the French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority) published a first assessment of financial risks stemming from climate change and the main results of a climate pilot exercise (which many have referred to as a climate risk “stress” test) conducted between July 2020 and April 2021...
Business and Human Rights: The Corruption Dimension
EU legislators are being pressed to ensure that, as they progress plans for mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence, they highlight the importance of companies identifying and mitigating corruption. Global Witness and Transparency International EU published a report in April 2021 which highlights that, despite commitments from every EU country to tackle bribery and...
Landmark Decision in France Regarding PE of Digital Company
In a decision dated December 11, 2020 (Value Click Case), the French Administrative Supreme Court overturned a Paris Court of Appeal decision dated March 1, 2018, and concluded that the French affiliate of the group (“French Co”) should be considered as the dependent agent of the Irish affiliate company (“Irish Co”) in France for permanent...
Spotlight on France and Germany – recent articles
Continuing our spotlight posts featuring contributions from our global Employment & Benefits group, here are some recent articles from our teams in France and Germany: Protecting IP with employment agreements in France – Employment & Benefits partner Julien Haure and associate Marine Hamon provide guidance on how employers in France can establish ownership of the intellectual...