Keller Heckman (LexBlog France)
- New Restrictions on Poultry and Poultry Products from France and the EU
- France Reintroduces Bid to Ban Meat Names for Plant-Based Food
Is “French Dessert” Necessarily Made in France?
US Co. Falsely Marketing ‘French’ Dessert, Class Action Says (Law360 Subscription Required)
Temporary Reprieve From French Ban on “Meaty” Words in Labeling of Plant-Based Foods
We reported on the June 29, 2022 decree (in French) that prohibits the use of “sector-specific terminology traditionally associated with meat and fish” to describe plant-based products made in France. The law banning “meaty” language, such as “steak,” “sausage,” or “chicken,” for plant-based foods was passed two years ago. Per the decree that made the...
The French Court of Cassation authorizes the marketing of certain CBD-based products
The legal vagueness surrounding CBD is gradually resolving in France. The Court of Cassation recently rendered a judgment in the context of an appeal concerning the legality of the sale of CBD-based products in a specialist store in Dijon. (French read only: Arrêt n°655 du 4 juin 2021 (21-81.656) – Cour de cassation – Assemblée...
In-Vitro Meat in France | Katia Merten-Lentz quoted by Le Parisien
Last month Katia Merten-Lentz was interviewed by Géraldine Meignan for French daily newspaper Le Parisien on in-vitro meat. An interesting read for all those actively involved in food innovation in France (french read only).
The protection of the collective interests of consumers in France
EU member states currently have very different legal approaches to dealing with consumers collective interests. As a result, small consumer disputes are rarely taken to court by consumers because of the costs of pursuing legal action and the relatively low recompense of doing so. To address this problem, the European Commission adopted the directive (EU)...
“New farmers”: are they allowed to call their vegetable substitutes “meat”?
A Parisian start-up recently announced the opening of a ‘vegetable meat’ production site in France. The firm produces meat-free steak, wings and nuggets which are sold around the country. However, French law will soon prohibit the use of such terms for vegetarian meat substitutes in a bid to protect the interests of the country’s farmers and...
Organisms created through mutagenesis to be subjected to the same regulations as GMOs
In February, France’s Council of the State ordered a modification of the country’s Environment Code. The move was in response to the European case law which had ruled that organisms obtained through some mutagenesis techniques to be tolerant to herbicides are to be subjected to the same regulations as applied to genetically modified organisms. Katia...
When food fraud is committed, what are the sanctions?
When food fraud is committed, what are the sanctions? As food fraud is such a broad matter, the legal framework surrounding sanctions is complex. Last year’s decision by the Tribunal de Grande Instance in Paris on the case of lasagna containing horsemeat instead of beef, provides us with an opportunity to explore how food fraud...
European Food Safety Authority Responds to French Ban of Titanium Dioxide in Food
On April 25, France adopted an executive order banning the placement of foods containing titanium dioxide on the market for one year beginning January 1, 2020. See our blog on the topic here. On May 13, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), published a statement on the risk review performed by the French Agency for...
France Publishes Order Suspending Sale of Foods Containing Titanium Dioxide
The French Authorities will suspend the marketing of foods containing (titanium dioxide – TiO2, E 171) as of January 2020. Links below, except the last one, are to the French documents. On April 25, the French government adopted an executive order, implementing the recent Agriculture and Food Law (No. 2018-938). It contains the conclusion from...
France Proposes to Update Rubber Food-Contact Order
France notified a draft Order on rubber materials and articles intended to come into contact with food and pacifiers for infants and young children to the European Commission (EC), TRIS Notification 2019/57/F, on February 12, 2019. The EC and the Member States have a three month “standstill period” (until May 13, 2019) to submit comments...
Edible Insects Making Headlines Across the EU – France’s Leading Daily Newspaper, Le Monde, Interviews Katia Merten-Lentz on the EU’s Edible Insect Legislation
Keller and Heckman food law attorney Katia Merten-Lentz was interviewed for the Le Monde article (in French) “Des insectes dans notre assiette, en toute légalité?” which reported on the recent European Commission decision on insect-based food for human consumption confirming that prior authorization is required. Keller and Heckman’s Food and Drug Practice has been monitoring...
Katia Merten-Lentz Interviewed on France Info (French Radio)
Katia Merten-Lentz was interviewed on France Info (French Radio) on January 21, 2019. Katia gave her insight on the fraud that tricked consumers into buying ready-made meals containing horse meat instead of beef. The scandal occurred in 2013. To listen to the interview, with English subtitles, click here.
Le dioxyde de titane bientôt interdit en France?
Cet article a été publié sur Agra Alimentation, le média des enjeux de stratégiques et financiers de l’agroalimentaire. Le 27 mai 2018, les députés de l’Assemblée nationale ont voté l’interdiction – temporaire – de toute importation et toute vente de denrées alimentaires contenant du dioxyde de titane, au motif que ses effets négatifs sur la santé...
Missouri and France Prohibit Labeling Plant-Based Products as “Meat”
The Missouri Senate has passed an omnibus spending bill that adopts SB 977, the state bill that prohibits the marketing of plant-based meat analogs with the term “meat.” The bill has been passed by the Missouri House and now goes to the governor for signing. The bill had the support of the Missouri Farm Bureau,...
French food pricing legislation could be contrary to EU law
Originally published at on 18 May 2018 The government of president Emmanuel Macron is proposing new legislation further restricting resale at loss. Katia Merten-Lentz, partner at Keller and Heckman, warns this legislation might be contrary to EU Directive and to the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice. Resale at loss France is one of the...